Dimensions: Each are approximately 4.75 inches tall, approx. 4.75 inches wide including the handle, and the mouth opening is 3 inches diameter.
See my FAQ about "care instructions" for use in the oven, microwave, and dishwasher. It boils down to mitigating the risks of thermal shock and abrasive detergents by using simple precautions similar to glass ware.
This is a handmade, one-of-a-kind creation, with imperfections, and I hope that you will use it and enjoy it. I have tried to provide images that demonstrate the complete picture, but if you would like an additional image of a certain area, or if you have any questions, please ask.
I will cushion the heck out of this when I ship it, and I package in recycled materials whenever possible. If you want the item gift wrapped, please see my FAQ about "gifts."
---------------------- similar items:
BEAT NAVY Christmas ornaments at https://stellancworks.com/collections/current-work/products/beat-navy-christmas-ornament-free-shipping
For USMA c/o '98, the BEAN TAVY cups are at https://stellancworks.com/collections/pre-orders/products/pre-order-bean-tavy-usma-c-o-98-cup-will-ship-4-6-weeks-free-shipping
USMA crest cups at https://stellancworks.com/collections/pre-orders/products/pre-order-usma-crest-cup-will-ship-4-6-weeks-free-shipping
BEAT NAVY cups at https://stellancworks.com/collections/pre-orders/products/pre-order-beat-navy-or-usma-crest-cup-will-ship-4-6-weeks-free-shipping
I was awarded a license from USMA to use the crest and the words "Beat Navy" with these colors on this product. Just let me know if you need to see the license.